Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I guess this is goodbye

Not to this blog, but to the daily updating of this blog. I have come to the conclusion that I would rather write bi-weekly posts that I am actually happy with and that have some substance to them than post every single day when I end up disappointed with the amount of fluff and filling I write. I think that posts will go up on Saturdays and Tuesdays, and so hopefully the quality of my posts will go up as the quantity goes down.

Keep your eyes open, however, since I am now about 80% sure that I want to start a second blog that will be more of a recording of my season with the theatre company I'm interning at. This will probably be a lot of stuff that might be gibberish to non-theatre geeks, but I'm hoping that I'll make it accessible. However, the point will be more to talk about the new things I'm learning and the experiences themselves, so I'm not sure how interesting readers of this blog who are not big theatre fans will find it. I'll link to it on the day it goes up, which will probably be this weekend.

I will be back on Saturday.

Have a great couple of days, see you then.



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