Wednesday, August 4, 2010

On the radio

While I do proud myself on the music I listen to and the wide variety of genres I enjoy, there are several things in the music world that I cannot stand. One of these things is people who get snotty about their music the minute it becomes "popular."

I understand the feeling of betrayal and distress when you find out that one of your favorite small bands has just sold out by popping out a song or two for a soundtrack. I've felt it myself. But that shouldn't take away from the music that the band has made. Some people get too caught up in how mainstream music is, whether they only like mainstream, or they can't stand any band that's gotten a tune on the radio.

I get really exasperated with people who are like that. I don't like the whole attitude that something is good just because no one has heard of it, or that something is good because everyone has heard of it. I think it's insulting, quite frankly. People should pick what they like to listen to based on what they like listening to, not based on how popular it is or isn't.

I know today's post is short, but there's only so much I can whine about before I start to bore you.



1 comment:

  1. Has anyone in particular sold out? Also, Regina Spektor title is awesome.

