Friday, June 25, 2010

Ain't nothing like the real thing

Today's post is going to be about a show that, despite my original predictions, has grown close to my heart. Some people hate it, some people love it, some people feel indifferent towards it... Glee.

Before you judge me, let me explain something about Glee. Yes, I am fully aware of the sheer ridiculousness of the characters and the situations they find themselves in. Yes, I am also fully aware that most of their covers are not as good as the original songs. I am aware of the fact that these are not characters that exist in real life, and thank whatever god you believe in for that. They are all a bunch of drama queens, and at points, they can be completely irritating due to their unrealistic tendencies.

HOWEVER, there are a number of reasons why I love Glee and its quirky cast. Firstly, while, as I stated last paragraph, I know that the covers are not as good as the original songs, but at least tweens and the like are experiencing the wonderful music of artists like Journey and The Beatles (not enough, however). Secondhand is better than not at all. And for some people, myself included, hearing the covers on Glee has given us inspiration to dig through older CDs to find the originals. Secondly, and probably more importantly, I find that I watch Glee, thinking to myself about how unrealistic the situations are, and then, out of nowhere, they hit me with a moment so real I wonder how they managed to capture it so truly and beautifully. My favorite example of this is the shockingly honest portrayal of Kurt's relationship with his father. However, I've found that they've managed to tackle many real issues with almost brutal honesty, and by finishing every particularly emotional episode with a warm-hearted cast song, they still end the show with a happy note (pardon the pun).

In addition, there are a number of extremely talented singers, dancers, and actors on the show. I am always impressed by Lea Michelle's triple threat, and the fact that her character is so unreal is part of what amazes me most about her. She is playing an exaggerated character, as they all are, but she has moments of emotional honesty that worm their way into your heart. Even Sue Sylvester, who everyone loves to hate, and who is probably the most exaggerated of all the Glee cast, has moments of crushing reality when you see her with her sister.

I think that one of the things that fascinates me about Glee is how the show is able to maintain a balance between the fantastical and the real. In one episode we see characters wearing Lady GaGa outfits (for several days in a row) and we also see a heartbreaking scene in which Kurt's dad rails on Finn for using the word "faggy." It is this balance that captures me.

(okay maybe it's also partially the good singing and theatricality)




  1. I disagree I think some of the Glee covers are better than the originals. Think of Poker Face, Breathe, and some of the mashups.

  2. No, you're totally right. SOME of the Glee covers are better than the originals. I am a total fan of Poker Face, and all the mashups they do are awesome. And I'm a fan of all of their covers (well most of them), but there's a balance there.
    I'm blanking out on Breathe though... Are you talking about No Air? If so I also agree. Much better.
    And while I love the Glee renditions of songs like "Don't Stop Believing" and "Somebody to Love" it's hard to compare them to the classic Journey and Queen versions.
