Friday, June 18, 2010


Why are we as humans so unique?

We fight when we should give up. We try when we know we are reaching for the impossible. Humans are different. Some things are good, some things I'm not so sure about. We see things differently. Some animals supposedly can't even see in color, and look around at what we see. We are surrounded by vibrancy and life and beauty.

We don't see it sometimes, but it's there. It's there in the simplicity of nature or the beauty of that special someone's eyes. We catch glimpses of things so far beyond us. We are aware of our mortality. I disagree with the hypothesis that animals have no knowledge of their deaths. I think they know. I don't think that they think about it and fester on it like we do, but I know they are aware of it. Just recently a very good friend of mine had to put down her dog. She was supposed to be gone last year, but she hung on. Animals amaze you like that sometimes.

Wow I'm jumping from subject to subject.

But it's related I guess. We dwell on our mortality. We can't stop thinking about it sometimes. We think about more than us. We think about the universe and more, we think about spirituality and religion and we philosophize and question and grow and evolve. We amaze me. I am in constant awe of the things that happen within the human race. Our capability for love. Our capability for hatred. For grace. For fear. For empathy. For violence.

Our capabilities astound me, and we continue to have new capabilities. The minute someone thinks about something new, everyone starts thinking about it. Even our ability to lie. It's crazy. It's another thing that has become a survival instinct.

I think the world we live in is amazing, and I think all the creatures on it are amazing. Call me naive, but I really do love nature and in general, I try and love humanity, even through my pessimistic haze. I think we have to love each other and ourselves and the rest of the world, because we have to take care of each other. We can debate about whether or not there's some higher power taking care of us all we want, but either way we have to help each other.

Take off your pessimism goggles for a day and try looking around. Things are pretty amazing when you look closely.



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