Saturday, June 26, 2010

I dreamed a dream

I know that dreams supposedly all have some meaning hidden in all the nonsense, but sometimes I find that hard to believe. Some messages are very clear. The subconscious realizes that you are thirsty or need to go to the restroom, so you dream about bodies of water until you either wake up or have to change your sheets.

Others, however, are more vague. Exactly what does it mean if you dream about a walking Jello cup chasing you with scissors and toast? What is the significance? Do you need to eat toast? Cut your hair? Buy new sneakers, like the light up ones the Jello has on? Do you have a hidden fear of lime Jello? Or is something else the important part?

There are countless books about dreams and how to interpret them out there, but have you ever noticed how contradictory those are? I think that people are just making that crap up. Sitting around going, "okay, thunder means that someone really needs to buy a new suit." I really don't understand.

I would go on, but I've been working all day and will probably fall asleep with my face on the keyboard.

Tomorrow's post will be less disappointing and longer (hopefully).



Oh, and happy birthday to my cousin Patrick. Love ya bud.


  1. Love ya too, cousin! Don't worry about the odd post, I didn't even manage to put up anything today! Though I think I get a free pass on account of it bein' my birthday and all...

  2. Yeah, I think you get a pass. At least from me.
