Monday, June 21, 2010

The fear

Everyone is afraid of something, whether they know it or not. After all, being fearless isn't about having a lack of fear, it's about having fear but having the courage to face it anyway. Everyone has a weak point, an Achilles heel. For Achilles, ironically enough, it was his Achilles heel. I have many weak points, but I find that I am most often fearful for those I love.

My father is having surgery tomorrow to receive a kidney from his loving sister and my aunt. I think her act is one of selflessness and bravery, and I could not be more thankful. At the same time, it's a very scary thing. But I think it's okay to be scared. Being scared means you have something to lose. Being scared means you care about something. If you aren't scared of anything, I think you are either in some denial or need to seriously re-examine your life and priorities. I'm afraid of things happening to those I love because I care about and love them.

Some fears, like these, are probably healthy ones to have. Other fears are ones we need to face and conquer. If we are too afraid, we become paralyzed by our fear. We can't move or think without facing something we fear. I've been in situations and times in my life where I have been paralyzed by fear, and I've come out of those situations a healthier and happier person.

We need to learn the difference between sensical and nonsensical fears, and we need to purge the unhealthy fears from our lives. At least, I know I need to.

I'm sorry that this post is shorter than normal, but I think I need to learn more about the subject of fear before I talk about it in greater detail.



1 comment:

  1. Courage is moving any way even though or in spite of your fear. Sometimes it is courageous to face a new day, sometimes it is courageous to do something different.
