Saturday, June 5, 2010

And I wanna know... What's the name of the game?


You have now, either by sheer coincidence or with great (okay, maybe just halfhearted) purpose, stumbled upon my blog. ((RANDOM TANGENT: Why does Microsoft still not recognize the word “blog?” And where did the word blog as we know it actually originate? END RANDOM TANGENT.))

A little bit about myself and this blog.

I’m The Artful Dodger. My paranoia keeps me from revealing much personal info, so listen up because this is all you’re gonna get from me directly, though I’m sure you will learn more about me in coming postings. I am a student. I have a dog and a ridiculously large family (some of whom are blood related, others who are not). I consider myself to have a rather eclectic taste for music, literature, and movies. I don’t like conformation, ignorance, condescension, or disrespect. I find them all to be unattractive qualities, and I tend to avoid those who embody such qualities. I believe most of us do.

I’m a verbal thinker, so we’ll see how thinking out loud translates to blog form. I imagine that the topics I discuss will range from irrelevant but amusing to profound and intellectual (we’ll see where that goal is in a month). My aim is to make one posting per day.

A word about why I am starting this blog.

There are billions of people in the world, millions who read blogs, hundreds of thousands who write them. So what could possibly make this unique or interesting in the slightest?

Other than the hokey “everyone is different and special” answer, I have none. But I think, even though it is hokey and used over and over, it’s a viable excuse. While you may meet people like me, know people like me, or even feel like me after you read some of this blog, the simple truth is that none of those people, not even you, is me. Except me. People can have similar, even identical personalities, but try looking for two people with both identical personalities and identical life experiences.

Aha, I got you there. Maybe I didn’t and maybe you are skeptical and don’t agree. Maybe you even have scientific evidence that disproves my theory of individuality. You could agree or disagree for hundreds of reasons based on both facts and opinion. And each argument has some validity to it.

Anyhow, I’m writing this for a few reasons.

1. I believe that individuals are just that, individuals, which makes their opinions, experiences, and thoughts interesting and valuable.

2. I want to share my own opinions, experiences, and thoughts with the world.

3. I’ve been told that I’m funny and/or quick and/or annoying. All of which are qualities that could bond together to make for some good writing.

4. My favorite reason: If you can’t be a good example, you have to be a terrible warning. (Take that as you will.)



  1. Welcome to the blogosphere! I look forward to seeing how you handle the pressure of a post a day. My advice: keep a list of everything you think of that is remotely interesting, whether you think it is blog-worthy at the time or not. It will help you in the long run. :)

  2. Thanks :)
    I know I know you, and I know you know I know you. But still, the first thought that popped into my head when I saw you commenting was:
