Wednesday, June 23, 2010

What's left of the flag

Warning: for some reason, this font is different than usual. I apologize for the inconsistency.

I don't think our forefathers would be particularly proud of where we are as a nation. Nowadays, so much is about sides. Republican vs. Democrat, "right" vs. "left", red vs. blue. We focus so much on our disagreements and all we want is to be the "right" side. Politics are such a heated topic, and I don't want to get into the pros and cons of either side.

I think that there are things in our country and in our world that need work and that need to be fixed and discussed. However, if these issues are truly to be tackled, we have to stop approaching them in such black and white ways. I feel as though if the parties that make up the politics of our country could agree to disagree on some issues, we could at least work on the things that we can agree on.

I am proud to be an American. I'm not a particularly patriotic person, however, and I disapprove of some of the choices our country has made. As a teenager, coming into the world of adulthood, I'm trying to be more aware of the politics behind actions. Obviously as I grow physically, I want to grow emotionally and mentally as well. But I get very disappointed with how financially motivated most leaders are. We are so focused on money when we should be focused on issues, and problem solving. I'm well aware that it takes money to solve problems, but we can't shoot down every idea just because it costs something. At the same time, we can't keep dumping money into everything and just hoping that everything settles down.

We need to be more intellectually and ethically motivated if we are to make our forefathers truly proud.

I don't want to tread on any opinions or offend, so I'll make this my last sentence.



1 comment:

  1. I guess the font wasn't different. Odd. My computer is showing it differently then. Odd...
