Sunday, July 25, 2010

Eyes of a child

When I arrived at the beach house today, my uncle was there with his 13 month old son, who we will call William. There is something about babies, other than their obvious cute-factor, that fascinates me.

I love seeing babies interact with the world around them. Their innocence and their ability to be inspired (more like entertained) by almost everything and everyone around them is so amazing. I love seeing the wonder in their eyes. And it makes me jealous a little bit. Babies are experiencing everything so freshly and newly, so everything is unexpected and beautiful and wonderful. However, you get to your teenage years and, instead of watching the world through a lens of innocence, you see it through a web of pessimism.

The joy of an infant's laugh is so pure. The humor that amuses them is pure. We hide behind sarcasm and dark wordplay. I guess my main point is that I think we as adults (or teenagers close to adulthood) should take our cues from the infants every once in a while. Try genuinely being interested in everything around you for a whole day. No wonder babies need naps!

For tomorrow, I'm going to write about how my cousin Thomas is convinced that he needs to get me a boyfriend. He has a master plan and everything.



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